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tods shoes - no pressure and opened the lid

发表于 2011-8-2 00:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



The first practice of Pork:
( J6 J; k8 P# b; K 1 [2 \  B6 H- ]1 D) d, a5 R5 O
1, to buy pork (lean meat and fat is kind of like have cascading) cut into 1 cm square (regardless of thickness, just length and width);
' k; w/ i; k. u7 T) t+ O4 K: y- b
) X3 @) `# t: f2 F 2, Guo Lifang oil (extra point), heat, add sugar (sugar can) scoop (can be the extra point), Scoop up paste (this should take the time to smoke pot Do not be afraid). Cut into the meat and spices (thick slices of ginger, into a valve (not crumbled) of garlic, cinnamon, chili, star anise, orange peel (non-Citrus)), stir the fire three minutes, then the meat into crimson;
$ l- Y+ P5 q/ s+ t' g
) b1 s& p' _) c8 D8 n$ u 3, adding salt to taste, a spoonful of soy sauce, vinegar, 1 / 5 spoon, half a teaspoon of sugar, two spoonfuls of wine, half a teaspoon of chicken, broth (cold water can be) to drown the meat 3 mm , boil (start to take the flavor of);
, p2 t5 c7 E# Q/ } 6 H/ O0 l5 s1 _. i& P: d$ k. |) P
4, into the stew pot small Huoao a half hours, this time should be small and the soup was thick (if you can fire received too much soup soup , but stood looking at), add green pepper (not very fat, the kind of pepper), may add a little parsley, and then try the salty, then boiled for three minutes. Pork
. `$ c! K) Q) w. v. J' H
3 B: m, J) \4 K& r* H second approach: " ~  ]: H% j) P" J: @

6 J' ]+ G' X; k  _ Cooking Pork can be a different place, different people. - a+ a* B1 R2 N6 [

; Z  I% v9 Y; B( W 1. have to buy meat with skin pork, fat, lean the basic half of each, must take the pigskin, or simply do not do.   v/ u& Y' o7 ^) Q1 z3 ~

. a% |# ^( C/ u# p 2. Wash and cut the meat box, 2 cm square, not water boiled, pour the oil directly to take the pot right amount (I use peanut oil), oil heat, put the meat wok, deep-fried! This process is indispensable to fry, one will be fat in the lard * out, eat up and not greasy, the second is to increase the meat's flavor (personal experience ... ... ... ... Do not fire too fast), the appearance of some of the meat fried to golden cease-fire, remove the meat, pour the oil. 1 z% V  `6 c0 N9 N. _7 T0 N
# E6 u( b4 S$ T1 a
3. another pot, pour the oil amount, add onions, ginger, pepper and stir-fry, to remind, to put the garlic, a little shot, skinned, do not cut, the whole place,tods shoes, at least one weight, stir-fry with a fragrance, then it is important - do not forget the sugar! Best rock sugar, sugar also, at least 1 tablespoon, (I was put 2 spoons) do not be afraid to put more meat is ready for the wedding. Then pour the soy sauce, not too much. Action to be fast, otherwise the sugar will paste. # [! N0 V  v- k9 Z( B- k
0 A) B: c8 a. q
4. proudly juice, pour in the fried meat, stir fry about,Tods moccasin, pour in the water (with bone soup better, and unfortunately I have no time to boil), then - on the pressure cooker! (If there is time, or not a pressure cooker, then slowly stewed it, at least one hour, the more rotten the better, do not forget to add water during the period). Pressure cooker with a little water over the meat can not, salt, increase the material, the fire to boil, cover and simmer 25 minutes later, the cease-fire natural cooling, no pressure and opened the lid, then opened fire on the sauce, thicken the sauce later , MSG that the cease-fire pan, Hong Pork ~ ah , a: j) B, l" K+ G% [* P) |- H7 M

. P. [- I5 s# x; U1 n4 Q/ c9 H third approach:
) I, K( `% `7 u - j" s  D" L/ r8 o8 P4 H" P5 @
white meat cut into appropriate sized pieces. Then boiled in boiling water 5 minutes remove to go Xingsao taste, to the floating foam! (Recipe: add some white wine is best!)
# a% F8 ~0 T- g , U6 a: y' |+ i( W4 p
Spices first ready: pepper, aniseed, cinnamon, ginger,tods sale, onions, cooking wine, soy sauce ! |! b- m! ?7 w
1 j3 B- v. m2 \4 u$ }
fried Guo Lifang a little oil, the next white sugar, fried candy colors.
+ z) Q  U# l8 I0 _9 D7 O 9 e4 K+ X, R0 @9 h8 F
fried achievement to keep out the color immediately under the prepared sauce down into the meat! (Meaning a bit of a bubble would have things under!) # H) G: g5 j2 G& u$ k, D# }

- K1 j6 r% H3 U' J) K8 e! L* h+ a With personal preferences can also put some chili into the fry, a number of colors can be bright, rich taste will be more
7 L( Y& M" ]5 c- ?! M" ]* P( U 1 p) u' {  @5 j  x/ ?% B! R0 M
Shanghao the color, you can add water, and then wait for water to boil ~ ~ ~ ; c. Z% D, |  D
- M: b/ s+ w% C0 Z
open water, the fire put a small stew on it! (My personal experience is two hours) 9 m7 ]; f5 S- D8 v
# ^) {: Z' e: w2 k$ G
so little water left, and salt, fires the sauce
' {. ^- g0 {  T& C0 l+ H/ l. v
7 O( R) o0 Z! C+ t* g" m2 k
& X* [5 A7 _$ b& y9 W7 J9 Q $ v& a* l3 ^4 `/ M4 _

  A/ d: J4 J/ {7 Y8 n fourth Pork practice: 5 w, j6 X( Y4 b- O2 s) g# U
raw materials: pork rib meat (pork), or haunch, soy sauce,vibram online, salt, sugar, Shaoxing rice wine, star anise (or ).
7 T7 d  Z9 g' ?$ c/ O 1) hang clean, pork skin and the hair, washed, cut into 4 to 5 cm square blocks (in fact, families eat their own, the size of their own free to ^_^); 4 Z) k3 u4 \# Q4 C; Y' H) ~$ F
2) turn on the water pot , slightly more points (at the surface would boil skim floating foam still not over after the meat is appropriate). Meat into the (cold water pot), the fire to boil, skimming into the amount of wine after a clean Xue Mo, wash the onion into the pot also labeled scallion, add half a star anise (South generally not put spices if you do not have enough, you can put a) the fire and cook for 10 minutes after adding soy sauce (I prefer to use black), the amount of sugar, boil, turn heat and simmer about 1 hour (if you like to eat more Sulan can cook some more time)
) z/ M3 }$ ]3 a4 t" Z$ w6 R2 V 3) opened an hour later will find the pot lid The soup has a lot less, then add salt (note that the amount of juice for a collection point will be more salty), chicken (or MSG). Why only now plus Na salt, because if you had salt, meat will harden. If the color is not enough at this time that can add some soy sauce, seasoning short time is the best time. Results can be sandwiched inside the onion out of throw away, you can keep, I would like to stay there, and other dry sauce, onions are quite delicious ^ _ ^ 6 w5 |1 W4 W" p3 O+ S- q
4) turn the fire sauce children, either at this time turning with a shovel, so as not to stick pan until each piece of meat juice all hang evenly children, the basic dry soup off the heat transfer to a plate, sprinkle with chopped green onion or coriander leaf embellishment and serve. 2 ^9 p" ]8 {" a6 i# ~  t
fragrant aroma, Sulan moderate fat but not greasy,
- }6 X" ~' o  K- G fifth Pork practice: ' \  z% W$ d8 u6 e: C3 X
material: 5 ]& o8 R% i: w8 d7 M& J
skin pork 2 tablespoons soy sauce 1 cooking wine 2 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons ginger 2 green onions 2 Section 2 star anise 1 orange peel 1 cinnamon ; Pelargonium 2
$ ]$ v5 D1 C. ^8 V$ r1 G. e % k  O$ s% a! P% m
water a little salt and a little practice:
6 L8 F# D. n9 V$ x 1, wash the meat into the pot, pour in the water did not open fire over pork Xue Mo cook for 15 minutes, remove and let cool out, let cool, put the pork into small pieces
5 k1 x; \/ ?2 h3 f
# u0 D( B7 t* x' @/ C 2, the amount of oil into the wok hot, add pork, stir fry 5 minutes, the Fry came out filled out
5 T) Y3 ]# z9 n" r( P! l1 ]& M ; I) g' f' V3 l1 A$ F) Z( e3 O
3, into the pot, cleaned 2 tablespoons water, open water into the sugar, when sugar became bubbles into the roasted pork stir fry or two, Then pour the soy sauce, cooking wine with stir fry 2 minutes
) I0 p7 ^4 m8 z0 {/ U
( W  a. N3 I2 y1 F8 o' r 4, the meat into the casserole (can also use pork wok), add onion, ginger, star anise, dried tangerine peel, cinnamon and bay leaves and then pour a small cup of water to the meat are soaked in broth, transferred to a pinch of salt, cover and simmer 1 hour small fire can
& d$ v! |* F& W/ L+ n7 \ + y  `, t9 w( p  q! x, w
exploded ... ... % ]) V' X. |; h4 J+ Z8 c
% N) S- X$ e& |% I) K, h+ e( {

" e/ H4 s* t1 s2 }2 r0 h
0 n# x: l) J/ U. J 0 E3 C) ~# `9 P4 Y
intimate suggestions:
9 `" v! G% x, ^) D% M 1, make sure to use the skin of Pork pork yo, the most delicious is the skin and fat
6 ~' u8 |5 }* }+ f' E 2, because the pre-fried meat and oil fired out of a lot of so do not point the Pork bored
* y) O0 R: J5 w8 G0 D3 ~ 3, because the pig is very easy to stick pan, so when the pork with the best selection of cookware & Q0 q5 p5 ]' M/ b
4, I think the stew casserole dish with very fragrant, Of course, you can stew with wok lid or cover with a pressure cooker to save time, if the pressure cooker stew meat, turn the exhaust smallest fire after about 15 minutes " a1 H0 z- d1 \  H7 Q+ I& G- l
0 a# N$ x% t# N$ N! P  T

  _* N* ^2 B, D1 i4 b3 n) c' u1 f ; T6 q. t4 A* y6 g, m# C$ }
8 J; x& R1 L2 E# {/ b9 f
; fifth Pork approach: ; ; ; raw materials: pork 500 grams, a little onion
5 B; ~% A; Z% w9 K7 u spices: sugar, 5 grams, 3 grams of salt, soy sauce 15ML 8 l5 Y# J1 M* E7 @
practice: 1 this is the most authentic 4 u" N1 f- Z' b  G0 i0 G5 L3 U
2 pork cut into small pieces, add cold water pot boiled onion cooked 2 Y" \( J' u$ i  E; r
3 scoured out, pan put a little oil, meat, oil - i0 u5 d; q3 J2 i, ?, y8 @
4 pot full blow so much meat I see a lot of oil blow yo
& W2 t* S2 S- c7 h! R% B# u5 b 5 for 5 grams of sugar, fry color, soy sauce and then the next 15ML 3 grams of salt, then the color can be beautiful
0 L0 s' r" t* E4 L7 d5 P 6 will begin to pull the meat off the water not boiled out, filter will be available ) ^) A+ ~% B9 L: Z
7 meat boiled off the water into the pot, then add the right amount of water 6 L( g. P( v& B4 Z1 Y
8 medium heat 50 minutes, when the pot has no juice, only the remaining oil and meat, when meat is not oil, too fat, with very delicious.
' h# w' T6 j- }$ T" e$ {) C5 O
: {: d* q. w/ r( \- D
- u6 B+ J# Q+ x8 V% e4 i  R sixth braised meat approach
, U' K2 b7 _& {: L1 `; P8 R% x( V
9 f  |5 M; u9 x: N* j 8 B& }% E% `+ L( T  ^* b2 r
material: pig pork 500 g; potato two; onion a (mainly to increase nutrition); scallions at the end; a small piece of ginger; chili 4; pepper 10; soy sauce; wine; pepper; sugar; salt; MSG; % \0 q/ K' ~. M/ L/ K

' S7 ]2 B' w# f& q% B3 l! h. D8 D: M0 \
* F4 L8 x' n2 x. p7 u practice: the pork was boiled for a few minutes under Sri Lanka to fishy bored and picked up after the bloody, cut into blocks; potatoes also cut into pieces; onion in view of nutritional reasons,tods, or to cut it into thick wire; ginger Well, you can knock about; onion is cut into sections of natural! But best to leave half of the group rolled into the stand;
5 R7 V! G- p1 ` 5 into the pot, add the base oil till hot, saute slowly under the pepper, remove the peppercorns; add ginger, chili explosion about; add pork and stir-fry golden flesh begin to add soy sauce and sugar
; G$ F) v+ a" |4 r0 G7 Q 6 x4 t+ G0 k5 ~& C) L5 H
mention color, continue to stir the fragrance
/ J. [& b& X/ O3 }. } : Z, b  u% `2 O2 A3 W' v2 q
adding about 800 ml of water and potato pieces, and the amount of cooking wine, pepper, salt, monosodium glutamate, simmer for twenty minutes; add the onion and rolled into a group and then large onion
  A/ P- d! B7 E0 w1 S8 l* t* o9 I: i 5 m& ]* n/ u* M/ p: r# }; V9 n! ~
Huo till the sauce. " H0 e. d0 M" k2 A* g
; a2 S- N4 r, A! y& N& i( N" e
3 Q3 l' p  M1 T/ M; W& h! q* T0 L) z& b

3 l( F2 d, j2 {. ]1 J+ l
% `: [  A1 O2 z
* s- O9 c# M+ N/ r8 o4 Z& b, w + \' ]. G, f  u4 F7 c5 R
6 z# j7 s" a7 D  w
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