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"Toronto太阳报"再次抨击现行安省电价 (Oct 31)

发表于 2010-11-1 19:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



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"Toronto太阳报"再次抨击现行安省电价 (Oct 31)
/ D* q+ d% ~1 w3 h. DOntario's power doofuses By ANTONELLA ARTUSO, QUEEN'S PARK BUREAU CHIEF

Last Updated:

October 31, 2010 2:12pm

【能源资讯】安省现行电价再遭抨击,"Toronto太阳报" Oct,31

者按: R; @/ S* Z( D


4 z% N) r8 D: \8 d' G. I$ s  V

TORONTO SUN FILES (Photo Credit Torontosun.com)

" ]$ ~4 l7 A9 p  m6 w

十月三十一日, 行文幽默的 Toronto 太阳报, 在冬天即将来临时,再次提醒人们,并再一次,抨击了安省现行电价,挖苦目前时段计价(TUO price,Time of use, ) 看来,...除了关掉空调,或增添些衣物御寒外,“...如果不是彻底更新节能设备,门窗,锅炉,消费者将不得不多支付高峰时的高价电费了.”

# L/ u( x) z4 [" c

Toronto 太阳报作者的副标题如此讽刺道if you on a smartmeter, congratulations, -your hydro rates are about to surge 你家用了小火表(数字电表)吗?恭喜啊!就等着电费单吧!”。

# H$ l& f. a( Q* e% T

一语 摘自:Toronto Sun

参见全文: http://www.torontosun.com/news/torontoandgta/2010/10/30/15889926.html#/news/torontoandgta/2010/10/30/pf-15889926.html

: S& d1 \) i7 O9 a! l3 ^+ ]如下是原文全文段落里摘译出来的关键信息,供参考:
+ }  [4 ?, n5 p" b0 y9 e3 o9 n- g6 h/ l( m* z

8 C8 z: b$ M) oTurn your air conditioning down — that’s the unhelpful advice offered by the Ontario Power Authority to consumers trying to reduce their electricity bills this fall and winter.
* g: O3 r6 X5 U) J$ V5 n$ v7 S* [' V9 z3 Y7 R
Also in the “Fall & Winter” online seasonal power-saving tips from the OPA, clean and replace your air conditioner filter and close your blinds/curtains during the day — which is the opposite of the usual advice to save energy during the winter.8 Z2 A) R$ u* Q6 {5 r
4 ^+ _1 l8 A1 u5 j
Oh, and don’t forget to use that clothesline, too.
" ^- b- G4 B/ H
' i( N6 ^' z2 g$ P# MOntarians on smart meter pricing may want to look up more specific cold-weather tips when they switch over Monday to winter time-of-use (TOU) pricing.
; i) K+ J% X8 a9 c9 a; w3 o" h5 f% A. `
It was originally pitched as a money-saving program but the average family — who can’t afford new energy-efficient appliances, or replace windows and furnaces will likely end up paying more for power. 看来如果不是彻底更新节能设备,门窗,锅炉,噢,还有防风帘,消费者将不得不多支付高峰时的电费了.
/ p1 L3 L- w+ r% l4 g" m+ m
+ n) |9 k5 J  O5 V/ i- d7 {Between Nov. 1 and April 30, time-of-use (TOU) customers pay the highest price for electricity purchased between 7 a.m.-11 a.m. and 5 p.m.-9 p.m.
/ @8 x( u& I8 C+ U7 Z( E
; e* j- {/ W; S
That means individuals and families will be paying the peak rate when many are getting ready for work or school, or returning for the evening to make dinner, do homework, wash the dishes and watch TV or go on the computer. During the spring and summer months, the peak rate of 9.9 cents per kWh applies between 11 a.m.-5 p.m. 根据数字电表的分时段计价法,冬季7 a.m.-11 a.m. and 5 p.m.-9 p.m.与夏季11 a.m.-5 p.m. 人们所支付的电价为,0.099 kWh. 1 {4 J+ ^$ M% y' l; b1 W1 a

/ U) @& @2 M* b. O$ Z$ BCurrently, just under one million Ontario households are on TOU pricing, but that will rise to 3.6 million households by next summer, and there’ll be province-wide implementation by the end of 2011. 2010年前,全安省将实行该电价改革计划。: U% p* O( A$ @- Q

1 r& R9 P3 d9 Y% uThe experience at Toronto Hydro is that about 60% of its customers saw an average rise in their bill of $1.40 a month, while about 40% saw a decrease of $3.70 a month, after switching to smart meters. There’s an extra 68 cents per month to pay for the smart meter, too, until the Ontario Energy Board tells the utility to remove it.
; B" L2 B% U, D0 s" N- \6 c. x" D% l/ ^! z
Toronto Hydro says weather, not TOU rates, have the bigger impact on rates. By definition, TOU pricing hits people with the highest rates when they’re most likely to use electricity. ”虽然多伦多电力局将电费上涨怪罪于气候,而不是分时段计价法的错,但是整个电价改革含义是,当人们集中用电的高峰时间电价最高”。& W- |3 e/ E  c0 j. b, }
9 b! A- c( j* a' c% v
The goal is to encourage customers to shift their electricity use to non-peak hours because it costs the electricity system more to build and maintain extra generation for specific times of the day.
& O2 w- F. u5 W3 t( \1 s1 T: }. v  k
Andrew Block, a spokesman for Ontario Energy Minister Brad Duguid, said TOU is supposed to reflect the true cost of power at the time it’s used. Block said the minister has noted that the program is still in its early stages. 安吉尔 布洛克先生是安省电力大臣的发言人,他承认, 整个电改计划还处于早期阶段。3 p# T3 Z+ n3 \
7 L. e7 @4 Y; S$ ^" o( b
“Is this having the desired effect that we were looking for?” he said. “We do recognize certainly that there are some things that people won’t be able to shift over ... and that some people won’t be able to find some ways to shift.”
3 S& E# c# e2 _2 V
- Z5 }- ~3 X& |" T  a; OThe ministry is suggesting consumers try to shift whatever they can to off-peak hours, like the weekends, he said.
6 f2 V8 y( r' i" u! N  C6 w& E
. U- ~) U/ e8 C- M4 c9 L# b' ZThe government has also introduced a revamped energy and property tax credit to help seniors and low income earners cope what are higher energy bills in general.
& c( B/ y' u  z2 Y7 S! m/ Y4 d5 O2 @0 f
NDP energy critic Peter Tabuns said the Ontario government would have been wiser to dedicate the smart meter budget to initiatives that help consumers conserve more energy through measures such as upgraded insulation or acquiring high-efficiency appliances.* |# D7 @: K; r6 y9 E; \
“The problem most people have is they don’t have the cash to invest in energy saving technology,” he said. “They don’t have the tools to reduce use.” Most electricity is heating, cooling, hot water and lighting, he said.
- A) B- h7 y# }$ U1 O4 S
' |9 t8 ?1 z9 F- [% dTory energy critic John Yakabuski said the feedback he’s received suggests the smart meter program is not going well so far. “从目前得到的反馈看,数字电表电改计划进行得不是很好。”
4 R* d* @; y, t5 [4 Z3 H  H$ X( s8 l
' u( d5 g) c" C2 X) [9 E# Y“This whole experiment, it just seems to have been so poorly thought out,” he said. “It seems an increased number of people are paying more and more for electricity every time these people come up with a new initiative. When the time of peak demands shifts during the winter months, when those days are shorter and there’s much less daylight, I think the bills are going to reflect it.”  看来,每当一个新倡议出现,似乎人们却付出的电费越来越多在冬季,当高峰需求的变化,白天的时间少了,而帐单上可见分晓。
8 c9 K$ K5 s* f  h0 F* |6 L# F9 s: Z& B: B/ t# I

以上全文参见:Toronto Sun


3 O' z3 g0 W( Z; A" S& q. i/ \
5 D+ y9 M$ U$ [, s' r5 k$ a% Y
安省电力能源批发市场平均指数 2010 为 0.0402 kWh, # ]  q* L* |2 x7 o: G0 `, S
您 的企业还在支付 0.075 kWh? “数字电表分时段电价”0.099 高峰价吗?

1 c  G; h6 J$ S6 f" [
您 的燃气价格还是 “Direct直销Energy" > 0.030 M3 甚至更高吗?2 x1 x5 E. ?! T5 J& o6 q/ t3 X5 }
的企业希望享受安省批发电价吗? 的企业希望撤销高价规避涨价吗?

2 c2 Y  Y4 W( r0 M5 s* F
1 D$ I3 D" K& X3 cSolutions,Just a phonecall away!0 v) ~& W: Q0 N+ h
能源资讯 信息分享 Energy consultancy1 a. d) `/ p& T* d8 m1 o' m

& t+ x- G9 L! K' b0 j- @1 U) IContact him by mail,4 P5 n4 v2 Q' k8 |# {6 h, ~
Lei, J. Zhang
 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-29 13:42 | 显示全部楼层



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/ G& |6 p  ^$ s/ A
目前加拿大对世界污染严重,超过亚洲印度和中国。改善更新能源供应及对环境污染已列为经济国策。加拿大能源燃气在九十年代后期,逐步市场化以后,电力能源供应系统正面临改造更新。自 2005 年初步电力能源市场放开后Deregulation安省能源战略包括 2010 - 2025 年将改造整个能源系统(Power Suply System), 逐步g过渡使用清洁及可再生的绿色能源。最近媒体观察分析,透露出一个重要的信息,在 2010-2017 年间,电力市场价格会十分动荡,五年涨幅达到目前的46%。据目前政府秋季经济也报告: 至 2030 年预计电力价格将上升翻番。Read more
& l8 k9 X  J* \" l, ]

3 K  l3 ?$ _- \2 I: G+ k
商务博客 能源资讯 信息分享
* `9 a* I& q3 E5 L0 Q. }! YEnergy consultancy Link to business Web
安省电力能源批发市场平均指数 2010 为 0.0402 kWh,
4 I' i& b. g2 o& T! l* T8 |您 的企业还在支付 0.075 kWh? “数字电表分时段电价”0.099 高峰价吗?
; a5 c3 W3 z6 T8 r5 R* P您 的燃气价格还是 “Direct直销Energy" > 0.030 M3 甚至更高吗?
& w- [% A) {- v. F- `, {您 的企业希望享受安省批发电价吗?您 的企业希望撤销高价规避涨价吗?
) Z3 V" r7 a7 {2 d3 y& y% U
Solutions,Just a phone-call away!
+ O% Z  N; e1 Z5 J3 o: M) `Contact him by mail,' S7 J9 ?1 s1 `) H2 X) i
Lei, J. Zhang
& o8 J; l0 g  e
- s5 @( a- b( x; m3 h
: Z2 G6 G! v* p9 A
New Business  & a new word ! I6 m) n, s, K+ E/ z

( y1 r# m) \2 Z1 \2 H2 [5 FRead more' W  S) ~3 C4 v) k6 g
商务博客 能源资讯 信息分享9 u, Q5 i! [9 Q$ c+ Z
Energy consultancy Link to business Web
. s, F' s' [: c- ]$ \9 d: L/ w
$ L/ c% z, v+ C. C! k6 M+ V# ?# a
; U0 o9 `$ X) ~# |5 |8 y; v
7 g) b- \" _! O4 L. F; C! N
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