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【周末杂记】证 “Buffet” 的汉译名-“百淝”

发表于 2010-8-22 13:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



本帖最后由 YourSavings 于 2011-2-8 22:23 编辑
; u& U' E& N' B& L( E& Z2 i0 ^& ~6 A  M& {

证 “Buffet” 的汉译名 -“百淝”
3 T# C+ Z$ y! |$ g0 }9 A

周末杂记, x0 z0 k; }, P) @) f
lakeshore 一语Aug 22,2010
( G- M4 b9 x" ~* h* N! e3 Q

2 Z0 }3 T' I6 Z# S$ V" X* g% V

飞,费,肥,妃,菲,”百沸“ “百篚”
2 p3 j; c0 k5 l: S# {& z

  J" S+ V/ r8 \# k# J! T# v, |
& v% f) _7 L$ F
1 `1 C: z9 G8 R' n9 v% o5 }1 ~" P  C
: h" V3 q, w$ D) x8 j
Credit Client's photo of Windsor Oriental 8 T" [" i  q/ N9 Y
0 n, i5 x& E4 l
Buffet, in Canada is very popular. Once in 2010, Mandarin buffet known in many locales fest for 30,000 more Canadians free on national day, as long as you coming in with a Canadian ID. What a generosity. 0 i: \, K2 H, _; M

- M9 i# \( t0 l! z0 [People enjoy eating there, working in it's kitchen, and dine and fest in dinning halls. Me too, had a year working as an grill attendant, serving, talking to various people. Teenagers, some times even play "eat-and-run", a head-ache for the management at locations.
4 V. c9 N* a6 U! U! h
* R; x- u& |9 L# u5 F9 _( ]' |However, never had I thought of followings< how to say buffet in Mandarin? Here are a few considerations. 7 i) p' |+ N) Q( y

/ e" B7 L8 w/ A! C2 x7 m4 g“Buffet” Mandarin Wordings, 的汉译名“百淝”?飞,费,肥,妃,菲,”百沸“ “百篚”

+ O1 n- O: h+ |2 ?7 b  r
Here, Please be noted, * The Chinese words, or Charactors, choosen from its pronounciation, which are extacly or almost similar to the English vobaculary: "Buffet", more interestingly, the Chinese words has some other meanings, the last one even looks like the way how foods are presented. 9 m- G* @% S6 s  Z* T

' w' G! q8 a2 Z6 }4 y
Once again, I am struggling with finding a proper term when I came to putting together a few lines for a name-plate in front of the presentation of Chinese food at Hamilton CMT events for Mandarin Class. 7 S. F9 x: @  u! O& f! L% e) o+ V4 U; B

' x, V, V: g% f. D6 kHere it is:
$ ?' O; T( f. a! P4 l! K3 H“中华菜肴”渊源流长
0 s! ?" B3 M% r, ]1 z: f8 ypresented by CMT Mandarin Class4 r9 N: C9 B3 h0 m

0 K5 O: [4 h! s1 i6 E3 f( o: C

. I( N0 u( V& `! N' A& Z
5 Z0 [  B8 D! ?! O% @& P/ o
"Chinese Food" seen at Mandarin and all sorts of cuisines in town, comes from the art in a long history. Made for palaces, dined at officials, served at farmers' table. Varied in styles, numerous of specialties, are rooted in home kitchen or recipes handed down. Here, present by CMT (Mandarin Class) a few tastes at family table, popular home-makings, have a try.
# Y+ g; Y3 f/ W6 ^2 t6 P8 E# J& r
“中华菜肴”加国,常见于各市饭店,流行中式“百淝”(Buffet)林林种种,渊源流长。无论宫殿御膳,官府宴请,庶民烹饪。各大菜系流派风格不断繁衍演绎,土风特产更是难以穷尽,其根本都是源自内厨烹饪或名厨绝艺. 这儿,几味手工,家常美味,难得一尝。
9 L' z, b/ u4 J7 q# k8 U) J, u& K' k, g
/ t1 x9 V9 d2 a* U! D
*在 Ontario, Canada, 据笔者观察, Mandarin 以及 Kings 为两大品牌, 分店遍布。London 有一家, 叫 Manchuria, 名字特别!Burlington 也新近开啦一家叫 Red-Maple, 也是枫情别致。下图为 London 另一家 叫了个时尚的名字:Hamony。

" K' \6 s9 N, C( Y

- s1 G! r- j. T# p: \7 w4 {Credit Client's photo of London Hamony Bubffet' w3 u9 c3 u+ R( e0 L

lakeshore 一语
! h$ `6 a0 r4 d( X! a% C
Aug 22,2010) D# B' x. O* x7 f  A8 ~0 x

Credit Client's photo of London Manchuria Hamony
; {4 R  Y7 ?8 L2 k0 J9 M! _% _

 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-26 14:54 | 显示全部楼层

Chinese Words more interesting!




本帖最后由 YourSavings 于 2011-2-6 01:26 编辑
7 O5 n& i! z; e  B. T
8 L6 v$ g7 s1 B5 c( s( o# \1 ?0 J汉译名“百淝”?飞,费,肥,妃,菲,”百沸百篚8 Q6 n5 d6 @+ o2 E& c! v4 `
Here, for language sake, Please be noted, i found Chinese Words more interesting: It includes "Delicious", "Steam", and even the looks of "Presenting" ' b/ t% Y) R: d3 b: }7 h8 m
9 ~6 X& E' x& c4 p; A5 f& R7 ~& M
* The Chinese words, or Characters, chosen from its pronunciation, which are exactly or almost similar to the English vocabulary: "Buffet", more interestingly, the Chinese words has some other meanings, the last one even looks like the way how foods are presented.
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