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SAP CRM Engineer/Staff Engineer(五百强企业欢迎应届毕业生应聘!)

发表于 2011-11-7 15:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



本帖最后由 laytonglobal 于 2011-11-7 16:52 编辑
" i6 r7 {1 v$ V( E
8 a. Z6 @" v) \- U% ]) u1 ?Position Title: SAP CRM Engineer/Staff Engineer) R5 w! B( ^- i! x$ G
Location: China - Beijing! M5 v$ Q# F- L( s- X
Functional Area: China - IT Engineering
2 i9 i% C6 q. KEducation Required: Bachelor or Master Degree in Mathematics,Stats,Computer Science or EE  6 k  A3 G! b8 |8 x
( Q" n/ s# }! n2 R9 r
       2 n6 B2 @" j- |& r
Position Description / z& \" e" R# S8 d, R
1.Be responsible for the delivery of the  projects in various GEO., _( }7 Z6 G) t
2. Coordinate and perform the activities throughout the project initiation, requirement, design, build, validation, implementation preparation, cutover and exit phases, ensure the solution is delivered with quality and satisfaction.+ m1 m, p- b0 I0 P
3. Liaise with the project team and BT/Business, ensure the project tasks are properly assigned, managed and done.
* _; j/ Z9 I9 ~3 m! v- l4. Develop the functional specification documents; provide the training to the business key user and IT support team.
* H' N3 Z2 E1 ~! N2 A5. Provide the post project support when the project has turned into maintenance mode – Perform Defect request, change request and minor Enhancement request.' o; K. t* j  `: |* R0 x
2 `- a* \& b% V- \- B
Position Requirements % m+ l* `; }0 o, Y5 j* h
1.Bachelor Degree or above in relevant area.8 L9 D; l$ p0 Y" S6 |
2. Good English skill, Be able to communicate with foreigners.
9 }5 r# i# Q- |  n3. Excellent communication, interpersonal, negotiation and presentation skills, as well as self-activated with strong motivation working within a team.
4 M' G! g- I9 Q+ s" h: `  s  d/ u: ^3 n! _& w2 H" O9 r; v
  L5 y; i) k9 }. N+ F$ G( Y6 {, W# v
Please send your resume to : info@laytonglobal.com1 x) B* ~* ^+ w3 l! f6 e; c
Our Web Site: http://laytonglobal.com$ U& m$ h4 D) M! X: n% y
Tel: 647-797-2277
$ P/ t. {- ^+ K" r* Q% c" l. l' P
7 P) i# S7 k( ?/ Y! e9 z8 R; F. Y" ]- O$ X/ Y) j- _: Z
 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-21 10:44 | 显示全部楼层



 楼主| 发表于 2012-1-3 13:49 | 显示全部楼层



Please send your resume to : info@laytonglobal.com
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