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Entry level Java developer(欢迎各大应届生应聘!)

发表于 2011-11-4 16:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



本帖最后由 laytonglobal 于 2011-11-7 16:53 编辑 % w: Z0 Y% P- E$ |% y9 m0 r, l

# Q1 S6 Y# r1 d2 ]Job Title: Entry Level Java Developer(世界500强企业)
' v' U* z$ J8 N: _Location: China or USA. `- x% D0 y- I* [7 w1 B: a6 [
Education Required: Bachelor or Master Degree in Mathematics,Stats,Computer Science or EE
% m6 o: T# c& N% z+ P0 g) r& ?! g% O8 {
Job descriptions:4 N% ~+ Q/ e) R1 b6 t0 e
·Provide day to day operations and maintenance support for software systems.9 E) _9 }& f, p* U$ N- M4 ]1 P. A
Support includes monitoring systems, creating and generating reports, assisting users with technical support issues and identifying and fixing software bugs.3 \+ d: N* A# R2 l! x; m" w2 k
·Prepare detailed specifications from which programs are developed and coded. Create appropriate documentation in work assignments such as program code, and technical documentation.3 M' q% y& p: B. B3 `
·Gather information from existing systems, analyze program and time requirements. + w2 _6 g# o: F8 A
·Code, test, debug, implement, and document assigned software programs. Develop and execute test plans to verify logic of new or modified programs.
. V# e2 h, `3 c1 \0 c. r" J·Support project personnel in resolving complex program problems. Work with client and management to resolve issues and validate programming requirements within area of responsibility.
% ?9 o; w' E1 K0 A& N
6 f( [/ |7 i0 |+ M$ ?Qualifications
& O  C6 {3 j# {& Q# ~+ [Basic Qualifications) F. M/ w4 T" {8 b
·Bachelor's degree or equivalent combination of education and experience
0 b; B+ B4 K2 _1 m( R) l·Bachelor's degree in electrical engineering, computer engineering, computer science, management information systems, systems engineering or related field preferred& d: e/ A) M4 ?
·Fluent in speaking and writing in English and Mandarin is a must.# }. j# t9 k  u% a, D. U
·Able to work in China or USA (Canadian Citizen).
6 w2 F6 h. S1 U6 g, C·Zero or more years of experience in systems engineering, software engineering, or operating systems programming.3 X1 ~* `+ G& f- {
·Experience working with computer hardware, operating system software and desktop applications with a specific concentration in one or more areas2 h% a. r" R( j3 ?
·Experience working with one or more structured programming languages
, \- ^& g' C4 E  i; L% L·Experience working with hardware or software design methods and processes
# ^; C+ j$ v0 A7 b·Experience working with design principles and applications
& ~, \9 z% z: s9 W% V/ x1 T  ]  d9 V1 x7 ]' a5 O1 _8 A) s" ?5 z0 B
Other Qualifications:
& o$ G+ O6 g8 v
·Strong analytical and problem solving skills for design, creation and testing of programs, o; B! |( e, ^7 c9 d; _6 ~
·Good interpersonal skills to interact with customers and team members
; K7 t/ @& n6 B$ N% h& w·Good communication skills to work effectively with team members, support personnel, and clients, s. z5 z2 e, [6 g7 v

7 ?, ~% C- p. Q9 f' w请感兴趣的专业人士将您的简历发送到:info@laytonglobal.com( r: R+ `2 M4 n" p. u' ~3 g

0 Q' j  M7 q3 F6 I) `. W0 }Layton Global Consulting INC.; e+ l/ m7 Z9 @
ATRIA III# `: ^  ~3 A9 z, e' f
2225 Sheppard Ave East, Suite No. 1020, ]; P3 C( O/ q( H5 w- E  t
Toronto, Ontario, Canada. M2J 5C2
 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-7 12:03 | 显示全部楼层



帮顶。。。 刷钻 刷信誉 刷收藏
7 {( m  @: E) G& d6 D' G- Fxydxkxtqp9 发表于 2011-11-6 05:24

8 n1 A- U3 q/ l
0 f( @- L9 N0 I1 p9 Q/ i* ]* z
3 \7 S6 ?6 U% e' ^    thx
 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-21 10:44 | 显示全部楼层



 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-25 12:08 | 显示全部楼层



 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-20 12:29 | 显示全部楼层
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