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tods shoes - I think

发表于 2011-7-16 07:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



2007 years, this is clear, also negative, but also rain, but also joy, and grief.
: M3 ^) f( k  B9 h! N: V' V  D- ? the first half, I spent every day waiting for,tods outlet, like the concept, only the same person, I am waiting for him to fulfill his promise to me, looking forward to him holding my hand, walked him to weave our dreams in the future, together to achieve, but, powerless, and long-term separation, I will be cranky, I was afraid every day, to accompany him only by phone, or is waiting for him after work, he likes to play with him playing the game, although I do not like to play, but only because of him, I am happy, I like Listen to him, like he called me stupid, stupid like he was so angry I hit the keyboard on the phone, I used every day before going to sleep, and he said to the passage, to fall asleep, then, happy days, do not know which day and slowly slowly become unhappy, and he started getting busy, and he a lot less time to speak to me, more and more bad temper, and then later, we do not pass for several days a telephone, the longest time, more than two months, I think, perhaps he tired of it, is true, in his later confession, I know he paid a new girlfriend, I do not will hate his change of heart, he is very brave in front of me said, this is right, in his busy work environment, there is another girl guarding him, take care of him, I feel at ease.
( K" @' W. U5 K2 |3 Z nothing exciting day to live, and gradually used to play adventure and contact with friends on the island, listening to them tell us to play with the story of the past, brought back memories of this game, made me shocked is that there is a individuals, still in the game, the guardian of my family, guardian of our rings, guard our memories, so I went back to the left half of the game. Fortunately, the game where a lot of people have not forgotten me I am really pleased and very touched. I like this game, it seems like part of my life like that, I was feeling out how to hold it? perhaps, really it was carried away by love . " c3 {8 ~, z9 ~( F! R1 s' K( s
in the game, everyone is very cute, because our people are to go to work during the day, so we are in the evening to play games, my favorite and WoWo together, or leveling , or chat, she was a young math teacher, I have little more than 1 year old and she likes to put their game characters confused Chouchou, Oh, think of her when press F2, it really is to see the helpless; there are tears, my dear sister, do not leave, we are always in the market with a street vendor,tods shoes, we are always together in time to grab a game to maintain the position of line 1-dong, she hurt me, even though she more than I small 1 year old, but I still happy to call her sister, she protected, I feel very happy; arrogant, but also to be a good person I am, so very little,tods shoes, but I crouched in a corner a daze, he always appear in front of me, or stare under the eyes,MBT Shoes, or to reveal a smile, a little bad temper, or very introverted character; beef,Tods shoes, a game I truly love the boy, touched me the most, I had wondered how it looks like him, I refused to believe him? is not my own confidence? Maybe I happy to have that episode last year, not that piece back, I think, and I will not lay the beef such a strong friendship, best wishes beef, so good. Adventure Island where there are many, many friends, not one after another breakdown, but you are in my memory, erase the. ; k6 ~7 d2 f% h( w0 \0 l3 X
a lot of time and emotion invested in this game, in a few years later, to recall these things, what kind of feeling? I do not know, but now I have to cherish this friendship, they accompany I have gone through a one night, listening to me tell me no joy to share my happiness.
8 _8 F! J9 B! b% Y$ u- ]- | normal days, in addition to work, came home after the game is to play the weekend to go out to shop and play Mahjong, occasionally to sing, easy life flies enjoying themselves.
( R3 A8 u1 c. q6 e! [/ ^ 2007 years and 20 hours to come to an end, time flies, I have 24 years old, after the way I , how to get there? around a few students are married, there is still a baby, and I was alone, my mother worried about my old audience, I really do not have the heart, playing these days it, life's good man, scarce, and revel nothing.topics related articles:/ P9 x# U3 }+ V6 @; H; R. j
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