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钢琴老师Piano Teacher for Kids: $20/hour or $10/half hour

发表于 2012-10-18 14:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



钢琴老师Piano Teacher for Kids: $20/hour or $10/half hour
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I'm a second year student at McMaster University and have been playing the piano since the age of four. I completed level 10 piano in grade nine of secondary school and have taught 3 students in the past. I have worked with children of all ages through being a camp counselor and teaching Sunday school at church. If you're child is interested in learning the piano, I can help them get started on this wonderful instrument! " z; W: F6 Q5 E% a

" U2 x  y) ^8 o7 b* `% ]Please message me if you're interested     Tellphone:2894897330
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