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[二手课本] MBA first year textbook (McMaster)

发表于 2010-9-3 11:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



MBA first year textbook (McMaster)
) V7 W$ p+ s8 q7 {
I have the following books for the first year MBA students in McMaster University:- V# `/ L3 u# h; t. e6 J% k1 A  n

6 o9 W, M2 I7 h8 Q2 [1. O600 Applied Business Statistics  ($30)/ N" O3 F  p! b# u4 d& J
2. B600 Organizational Behavior ($30)
. G3 v0 w9 G8 A+ j/ h, e3. E600 Economics ($30)
: {8 D8 T: u& U$ t% j4. K603 Information Systems Management ($30), Y- T/ e; O& q4 `" Z
5. A600 Financial Accounting and Reporting ($70)& L* f: b8 o9 ]9 [. K$ p( c6 j* ^; R
6. A610 Managerial Accounting ($50)4 P& c( ?1 w7 T$ R4 [. @
7. F600 Managerial Finance ($50)4 ]9 ]/ D& z4 o
8. O600 Operations Management ($40)2 s2 Z2 N' u* }, R3 F- P7 b8 U
9. M600 Case Study Courseware ($30)
5 U3 s5 o1 t. y" w) A
" a. J$ l( C1 OI have just finished my first year study, Please email me if you need any of these books: sarahz008@yahoo.ca
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